Donald Trump needs help fast. I’m really starting to get concerned for his well-being. Perhaps he banged his head in the shower while bending down to put his head under the shower head to wash that luscious hair of his. I could go anywhere with this, but I’ll keep it simple.
Trump was watching President Obama give his Oval Office address on Sunday night, when at one point the President made a remark that really set the orangutan-looking Trump off.
“Muslim-Americans are our friends and our neighbors, our co-workers, our sports heroes.”
And that was it. The President mentioned Trump’s favorite word… Muslim. Ever so witty with his Twitter fingers, Trump rushed to his computer to bless us with this and show us that he was battle tested to be the President.
Obama said in his speech that Muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about, and who? Is Obama profiling?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2015
Oh Donald, what would we do without you?
It’s one thing to be an asshole and it’s one thing to be ignorant. But, please don’t be a hypocrite too. He seems to have forgotten about his association with Boxing legend, Muhammad Ali.

I guess Trump only hates Muslims when it’s convenient for him to.
So which is it, oh crazy haired one? Do you love them to benefit your business dealings? Or do you hate them to get elected President of the United States?
Pick one. I dare you.
Cassius Clay is as Muslim as Tim Tebow. Give me a break. Clay was a draft dodger and hated white Americans so much that he became a fake Muslim. You liberals sicken me.
You can do some actual research and then comment with some knowledge of Muhammad Ali.