Tom Brady was on the Dennis and Callahan Show in Boston yesterday morning, and the subject of his friendship with Repulsive Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, came up. Brady didn’t want to join any political debates, but he just may have given what he didn’t say rather than what he did say.
The hosts gave him an opportunity to talk about his friend. Brady didn’t exactly come across well, and I’ll leave it at that. Here’s the transcription, via Deadspin.
KIRK MINIHANE: So last week, it happened once again, there’s another debate tonight. So, just to be clear, and I’m not looking to collect any money from Deadspin. I’m not even asking the question. No, but Donald Trump said last week that Tom goes around telling everyone how great he is. He’s using Tom as sort of, to move his popularity forward in Massachusetts. That’s what the story said. So, I’ll ask it one more time, just so it’s clear, just for the record. Are you supporting Donald J. Trump for president in 2016?
TOM BRADY: Can I just stay out of this debate? Donald, he’s a good friend of mine. I’ve known him for a long time. I support all my friends. That’s what I have to say. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s always been so supportive of me, for the last 15 years, since I judged a beauty pageant for him, which was one of the very first things that I did that thought was really cool. That came along with winning the Super Bowl. He’s always invited me to play golf. I’ve always enjoyed his company. I support all my friends in everything they do. I think it’s pretty remarkable what he’s achieved in his life. I mean, going from business, kind of an incredible businessman and then a TV star, and then getting into politics. It’s a pretty different career path. I think that is pretty remarkable.
GARY TANGUAY: Tom, I want to save you here. When you say you support all your friends, that can be interpreted as you are supporting Donald Trump over Ted Cruz, over Hillary Clinton—
CALLAHAN: How do you know he’s not friends with Ted Cruz?
TANGUAY: Well, I don’t know, I’m trying to clear the air.
CALLAHAN: Do you have any other friends in the field?
BRADY: This is really important to you guys, huh?
TANGUAY: Well, no, but you’re being misquoted. That’s how people will run with that.
Not exactly misquoted there. He said exactly what he said, and there’s really no way to misquote that. I think the host probably meant taken out of context, but there’s no chance anyone can take those Brady comments out of context. And everyone can say the hosts gave him an easy out by not even bringing up the whole Donald Trump wants to ban Muslims from the United States thing. Not a good look, Tom.
Listen to the entire interview below.
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