Twitter is kind of like learning how to teach a pre-school class. It took four years until you heard of its existence, you sometimes feel like it can be pointless, and then you always have to deal with dumb arguments over who’s right and who’s wrong. But with your help, it made it to 5th grade. In honor of this ten year accomplishment, here is a compilation of the different types of Twitter users who are thankful and why:
The guy who likes keeping things to the point:
#LoveTwitter because of its 140 character limit. don't change it!
— Prince Sy (@BossScotch) March 22, 2016
The fake congressman who gained popularity through its use:
The honest guy who thanks Twitter for the “man” he has become:
The confused guy who just joined:
#LoveTwitter even though I'm still trying to figure out these new settings
— T.J. Driscoll (@realTJDriscoll) March 22, 2016
And the girl who recognized the real reason for #LoveTwitter
i appreciate that #LoveTwitter was about them thanking us, and not about asking for love from us.
— Shannononon (@pronetodreaming) March 22, 2016
Cheers to you, Twitter! And here’s to maybe ten more years unless society comes up with something else which is very likely.