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Allen Iverson Goes Sneaker Shopping with Complex 

Nobody has integrated personal style into the game of basketball more influentially and effortlessly than NBA Hall of Famer Allen Iverson. From the compression sleeves, to his tattoos, down to his memorable cornrows, he was an architect and cultivator of a cultural era in sports. Iverson shook the convention of how a ballplayer was supposed to look and dress and inserted his bold sense of style that was unequivocally authentic and real.  As the legend of Allen Iverson grew, so did the countless attempts by players and fans  to emulate his in-game fashion. Iverson  created a worldwide trend and  harnessed the spirit of a community so well that his style remains the origin of many of the commonplace NBA looks fans see today. Iverson’s unflinching persona was prevalent in every aspect of his appearance down to his sneakers. The Reebok question quickly became the most sought after pair of sneakers next to Michael Jordan’s and is still one of the most popular sneakers to date.

Recently Iverson met with Complex Magazine at Lapstone & Hammer in Philadelphia to discuss his generational impact and his love for sneakers. Here are some of the highlights from the discussion:

His Childhood Favorite:

Colorways He Wished He Had In College:

The First Time He Spotted His Shoe:

Watch the interview below:


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