On this episode of Pi Spotlight, Sean Brace and Tony Cutillo of Pi sit down with Michale Kaskey-Blomain – a man that gets after all things hoops – and discussed all things hoops!
First up, the historical context for this upcoming Finals, a true NBA first. Of course 76ers conversation made up more than half the podcast. A quick and fun listen.
Be sure to like our Facebook page as we record live in the new Pi Studios.
S/O @therealmikekb & @TCutillo23 coming thru @PHL_Influencer studios! Good discussion on all things #NBAFinals & @sixers. pic.twitter.com/hne6xgBHFH
— PhillyInfluencer_com (@Sean_Brace) May 31, 2017
You can follow Sean Brace on Twitter (@Sean_Brace) and e-mail him at sean@phillyinfluencer.com. You can also watch him on FOX 29 on Friday nights, and on ‘Good Day Weekend’ on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
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