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Battle of the Exes: The best reactions from Timberwolves vs. 76ers

Do you know what’s better than showing off how great your life is going to your ex? Scoring 43 points on them in the first half. Much has been made of the final months of Jimmy Butler’s exodus from the Minnesota Timberwolves. When he was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers months ago, the January 15th matchup between Butler and his old teammates was circled as one of the most buzzed-about matchups of the pre-All-Star break season. The hype lasted all the way up until game day.

Pre-Game Hype 

The end result was a good old-fashioned stomping in the dirt. The home team did not disappoint and neither did social media. Here are the best reactions from Tuesday night’s divorcee drama.


When KAT’s weightroom access was denied…

Then the game really started getting out of hand and everybody noticed…

Post Game

Jimmy chimed in with the “new year, new me” post…

“I liked the fact that we beat them man.”

Embiid was Embiid…

“The Timberwolves, somehow, forgot that Jimmy Butler was going to do this to them.”

“That was not normal game”

And the Winner is…

To recap the Saga

At the end of the day, brotherly love was extended to the stepkids…

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