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Carson Wentz is “egotistical” … okay

Rather than getting into whether or not the author did get an actual person to comment, aka a “source,”  I would rather look at what was said. And with that, I would like to focus on one word that made me laugh. “Egotistical.”

Carson Wentz is “egotistical.”

Now, I know I’m not at every practice. I’m not inside the QB room. I’m not around Wentz off the field to really see how he operates when cameras are not around. But I’m willing to bet whatever you want, that Wentz is the farthest thing from “egotistical” because of two reasons.

First up, the AO1 Foundation. 

I know, I know… everyone has a foundation, blah blah blah. Read up on the AO1. Read up on the food truck. Read up on the what Wentz did back in 2017 in Haiti.

Egotistical? Really.

Second, and this slams it home: Look at the reaction from multiple players. Don’t take my word for it, don’t take an anonymous source, look at what the actual players are saying:

Jason Kelce via The Morning Call.

What is interesting is to see who attached their names to this report. Or was by the author, but then didn’t want to really stick up for the report. That’s my feeling about the Jimmy Kempski tweet below.

Not the last we will hear about this, I’m sure of that.


You can follow Sean Brace on Twitter (@Sean_Brace) and Instagram (@sean_brace), and e-mail him at You can also watch him sports anchor on weekends at FOX 29.

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