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Gritty kicked ref’s ass at NHL All-Star Weekend

So it’s Thursday night, it’s late, and I’m ready to hang it up for the night and all of a sudden, Gritty enters my timeline. Now just because the whole National Hockey League is off doesn’t mean the Big Orange Monster can’t make some headlines.

Now, I’m not sure when the whole Dodgeball craze kicked in… was it the movie?

2004 was the year!? Seems like yesterday good ol’ Patches O’Houlihan taught the Average Joes to believe in themselves. And since we’re on it, where the hell did Cristine Taylor go? I think Dodgeball was the last movie she was in? A-Town in the house!

Anyway, you’re here for Gritty! Here he is laying the lumber on a ref. Great form, Gritty is a fighter.



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