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The Cleveland Browns: How something so little had huge implications

In what will be the most talked about sports story today, ESPN’s Seth Wickersham [Why do teams even allow this guy around? lol] published a piece about the Cleveland Browns and how even though we already knew they were a terrible organization, come to find out their even worse than what we thought. Plenty of juicy details about war room discussions, the firing of our good friend Joe Banner and quite possibly setting the bar on whether you’re rich or not. Browns owner Jimmy Haslam supposedly eats hard-boiled eggs and just drops the shards on the ground. Filthy rich. (I love eggs but can’t stand them hard-boiled). As the late great Anthony Bourdain once said…

The article is well worth your time. 

Now to the important part of the story. The handshake. In what you will read below, the Browns [Haslam] apparently soured on drafting QB Teddy Bridgewater because he wasn’t a fan of his handshake.

Is there anything worse than a bad handshake? It cripples conversations. Throws everything off and it’s not right since were talking about people who have never met before. But the handshake isn’t sex, either! Go in, grip it firm, and get out. Not that difficult, people!

Anyways, I’m not sure you should draft players off of how they shake your hand, but I’m also not rich enough to toss egg shell shards all over my place of work, either. Jimmy Haslam is a maniac and the Browns are a complete shitshow and with an owner like that, I’m not sure even Baker Mayfield can save them.


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