Well, the more we watch the Sixers play, the evidence against them not being a contender mounts.
HOWEVER… barring a first-round match-up against the Boston Celtics, they will win a series. After that, your guess is a good as mine. I’m just scratching my head on how many minutes Joel Embiid played to start the season. Something tells me the vision was lacking in that department, as he had to sit out three games and looked a tad rusty Thursday night against the Bucks.

Moving on from the Sixers madness, I talked some Phillies and why everyone is so fired up to watch this team play ball! Is it all because of Bryce Harper? I listed a few reasons why this team is captivating. Will it continue?
And lastly, be sure to join us on Monday night for our Championship Game viewing party going down at SugarHouse Casino!
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You can follow Sean Brace on Twitter (@Sean_Brace) and Instagram (@sean_brace), and e-mail him at sean@phillyinfluencer.com. You can also watch him sports anchor on weekends at FOX 29.
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