Game of Thrones has finally come to an end. The eight-season legendary series departure from our silver screen had a record-breaking finale with millions of people tuning in to the ash chaos. Daenerys finally accomplished her dream of walking into the hallowed halls of the King’s Landing throne room. She didn’t get to sit on the Targaryen-created throne before her final bow out, but the long journey to this culminating moment was the main turning point of the episode. Game of Kweens discusses finale plot points, the overall legacy of the show, list several “What was the point?” questions, and more.


Candis– (Follow on Twitter and Instagram)
Monae– (Follow on Twitter and Instagram)
Kat Cal– (Follow on Twitter and Instagram)
Game of Kweens– (Follow on Twitter and Instagram)
Game of Kweens is available on Libsyn, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.
Recap: Game of Thrones, Season 8 Episode 6: ‘The Iron Throne’
The Game of Thrones documentary ‘The Last Watch’ airs this Sunday. Follow (@GameOfKweens) for production and BTS updates from the cast and crew.
You can follow Candis McLean on Twitter (@CandisRMcLean) and e-mail her at [email protected].
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If you’re looking for a culture, politics, and hilarious podcast with a similar group of girlfriends check out the stellar Notes From an American Savage.