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Straight Shooters: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from SummerSlam ’94 live commentary

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SummerSlam is close!

This week, Nick (@nickpiccone) and Vaughn (@VaughnMJohnson) give you a gift as they live commentate the WWF Championship Steel Cage Match from SummerSlam 1994 pitting Bret “The Hitman” Hart defending his title against his pesky little brother and newest King of the Ring, Owen Hart.

Earlier that year at WrestleMania X, Owen pinned Bret in the middle of the ring, so this was Owen’s second chance to not only beat his brother again, but also become WWF Champion. Nick and Vaughn press play and re-live the interviews leading up to the match as it was a family affair at ringside as the British Bulldog returned to the WWF as a spectator with Jim Neidhart not lurking far behind.

Before that, they take a look at one of the worst thrown together segments in WWE TV history this past week on SmackDown where someone tried to kill Roman Reigns? Maybe?

Listen and watch the entire episode at the top of this page or right below.

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