WCW’s Halloween Havoc 1998 took place on October 25, 1998 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. This pay-per-view was infamous for dropping out during the Hogan vs. Warrior match as WCW ran over time and cable companies ended transmissions before the main event even began. I remember my mom calling the cable company asking what the hell happened. I was recording the pay-per-view and remember leaving it running for another half hour thinking the show would come back on.
Silly me.
Despite being red hot in 1997, WCW had its best fiscal year in 1998 and was setting records. Unfortunately, by October 1998, much of that money starting going down the drain as creative got worse and worse. This pay-per-view is the epitome of what laid ahead for WCW in the coming years.
We got the Hogan vs. Warrior rematch. We wish we didn’t. The undercard was brutal. The event wasn’t even salvaged by a fantastic main event that featured Goldberg and Diamond Dallas Page … perhaps Goldberg’s best match ever! Let’s dive deep!
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