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Your Pi Brew (5/15/23): Celtics take the 76ers to pound town in game 7, Eagles news, and more

We’re back with an all new Brew. The Eagles schedule was released and it’s not the prettiest. The Sixers choked and now it may be time to blow it all up. Will the Tribal Chief get even more gold at Night of Champions? We have tons to get to as always, so lets do this! It’s Brew time.

The Birds schedule has been revealed

Tom Brady to be honored by New England in week 1 vs the Eagles

The Super Bowl rematch

The full NFL schedule

Cry me a river

Troy Aikman’s thoughts on the Birds chances of heading back to the Super Bowl

Congrats are in order for Jalen Hurts

Jason Kelce prepares for life after football

Andy Reid describes coaching against his old team in the Super Bowl

Blame your agent dude

The Celtics advance

More on the big fat L

We deserved this send off

You can’t win when the stars perform like this


The All NBA Team

The Lakers eliminated Golden State

A New Era of Orange

The New President of Hockey Operations

John DeBella to retire

Oh my goodness!

They’re really going to put more belts on Reigns, aren’t they?

This will be good

Cover photo credit: Boston Celtics

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