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This Eagles Fan Drove All the Way to Detroit Just to Do This

There comes a time in your life where you just have to take off. You have to do what your heart tells you to do, and you can’t wonder about what other people will think or say when you finally do it. Your life is your journey, and it’s only what you make of it. And that’s exactly what this guy did on Thanksgiving Day in Detroit.

I’m assuming this guy had tickets in advance, but if he didn’t, and he just got a ticket recently to do this, he deserves even more praise. That’s because he drove to Detroit just to boo Chip Kelly.


I once drove to Chicago and St. Louis to watch the Phillies… in 2010 when they were actually good. I can’t imagine driving 10+ hours just to see my shitty football team play on a national holiday when I should be with family and friends and boo the head coach who hasn’t made an adjustment since moving his belt to the next notch. Fat jokes!

I admire this guy’s gumption, especially since he sat through that game. Well, at least we think he did.

H/T to Bleeding Green Nation, @Tim_McManus

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