Today’s Word of the Day – Pounded! Have a drink every time you hear that word being used. Also, while you’re sitting around tying on a “Dayload,” if you see any of the newscasts acting silly, any pictures of YOU and your crew acting up, and anything storm related, we want it! We want to see everything you’re seeing during Superstorm Jonas! Tweet us (@PHL_Influencer), share it with us on Facebook, or email us: [email protected]!
Stay safe and keep us updated!
As always I am surprised that you know how to use a computer. When you were on the air I used to think they had to get Jon marks to shovel rocks into your empty head just Tobey something inside of that empty, bald expanse of space. As always you continue to surprise, Dawg!
I appreciate your support all these years! Imagine if you actually liked me?! XOXO