For the folks that are new here, Skull Shaver has been a sponsor of all things Philly Influencer and, of course, me, since the good days back at my past radio job. Still, to this day, we continue to grow and come up with new ways to market and promote the best razor out there for all bald guys. As we speak, Skull Shaver is a worldwide product and is extremely popular in England. We have over 100 promotional billboards across the United States and we’re on the famous London Tube as well.
So, yesterday, as I was pregaming for the Radio 104.5 Birthday Show [which was amazing, check my Instagram for all the videos I shot], my phone started to do back flips from all the texts and notifications I received. The Instagram page that is known as (@fuckjerry) took a tweet from over the weekend and put it out to its 12.3 MILLION followers.
How the f— do you get that many followers is my first question?
Anyway, whoever runs that Instagram is pretty damn funny, and as one of my friends put it yesterday, when you join Instagram, this account is a must follow. As you can see below, the meme was, I must say, pretty damn funny!
Once again, thank you to all who sent me a text to alert me, much love! To Jerry and my man who originally sent the tweet @Paul_J_Britton thank you! That’s the organic marketing that Skull Shaver never planned on happening, and it created a memory meme we will always have to laugh at!
We’ll also have a funny follow-up later this week!
You can follow Sean Brace on Twitter (@Sean_Brace) and e-mail him at You can also watch him on FOX 29 on Friday nights, and on ‘Good Day Weekend’ on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Follow Philly Influencer on Twitter (@PHL_Influencer), Facebook and Instagram.