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The PHLY Zone: State of the Sixers, legal marijuana in PA, and Philly drive-ins

The PHLY Zone is a from the people, for the people podcast. Each week we dive into breaking news, sports alerts, and social topics in Philly. This week, The PHLY Zone breaks down the Sixers’ embarrassing toss from the Orlando bubble, the state of the team, Pennsylvania’s attempt to cut into its billion-dollar deficit, and events in the city.

Hear our thoughts on if Joel Embiid is on the way out, Brett Brown’s firing, and several players on the Sixers who gave the team nothing when it mattered the most. On the social side of things, Pennsylvania is looking to mirror the Colorado model of legalized marijuana in the state. Since Colorado’s legalization, the state has gained almost one billion dollars in sales. Pennslyvania is looking to replicate that number in order to make a dent in its financial pit. Candis and DeSean reflect on how the measure will affect diverse communities, examine the intentions of the potential law, and addresses its ramifications on those already imprisoned for similar crimes.


Candis: Twitter (@CandisRMcLean) | Instagram (@candisrmclean)

DeSean: Twitter (@youngcarter02) | Instagram (@realestate_connect)

Follow The PHLY Zone on Twitter and Instagram.

[Available on Anchor | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify]

Episode 5: The Ennddd of the Road

The PHLY Zone talks about the Sixers’ playoff collapse, Brett Brown’s departure, legal marijuana in Pennsylvania, and upcoming events. 



You can follow Candis McLean on Twitter (@CandisRMcLean) and e-mail her at

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