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Your Pi Brew (4/13/23): Phillies dollar dog night fiasco, Philly Mayor’s race, and more

We’re back with an all new Brew. The hot dogs went flying at the Phillies game on dollar dog night. The Philadelphia Mayor’s race is heating up. Will Joel Embiid be the league’s MVP? We have a lot to get to as always, so lets do this! It’s Brew time.

The hot dogs were flying in Philly

Everyone lined up for the weenies

Back to back scoring champ

Big year for Embiid and Harden

Who deserves to be MVP?

Pop gets it…

Reppin’ at the White House

No chance in hell


Jeff Brown should NOT be the next Mayor of Philadelphia

Top moments of the debate

Helen Gym isn’t playing around

Who won the debate?

A new era begins

Chi-Town to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention

You can’t make this stuff up

No sh*t!!!!

Enough of this already!

Cody Rhodes addresses the rubber chicken

Logan Paul Re-ups with WWE

Jake Paul vs Nate Diaz on August 5th

New Weeknd and Future loading????

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