Over the past weekend, I was asked if there was any way someone could sneak into the NFL Draft taking part here in Philly. Now, while I’m not foolish enough to completely say no, I am on record saying it would be extremely tough. In what seemed like a two-mile area that was covered by everything NFL you can imagine, it was also covered by security. The NFL definitely wasn’t messing around this past weekend. But who could forget these bros, who snuck into the Super Bowl of all places!
I love to see the creative ways to get around security as well as to get into the venue, free of charge! Well, a No. 1 seed of sneaking into events may have just arrived! Check out these guys who dressed up like security at Coachella and easily had the time of their lives! I especially like the part where there’s no waiting in line for the bathroom when you have a badge!
Excellent video and amazing plan!
You can follow Sean Brace on Twitter (@Sean_Brace) and e-mail him at [email protected]. You can also watch him on FOX 29 on Friday nights, and on ‘Good Day Weekend’ on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
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