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The Morning Brew for January 25

Super Bowl 50 is all set. The east coast was slammed with the Blizzard of 2016 this weekend. It’s time for your cup of Morning Brew so that you can get the week started off right. Enjoy!

The Morning Brew is sponsored by:

Colin Good/KellerWilliamsRealty: In the market for a new house in the Philadelphia area? Colin makes it easy with brand new listings updated every day!

Also, do you know a hero? If you know someone that’s from/in the military, law enforcement, firefighters, educators or healthcare workers, and they’re looking for a new home, please have them contact Colin! The number one handicapper going right now! New customer? It’s easy, just sign up now and buy the three-day plan and get every play for three days!

Bad Rhino Social Media Agency: Are you or your business looking for a new marketing strategy in 2016? Look no further than Bad Rhino Inc. You always want to work smarter when it comes to advertising right? Well in 2016, if you’re not attacking from the social media side of things, you’re missing out on a HUGE advantage! These guys are good…real good. Contact them today and get a jump on the new year! 

If you’d like to advertise on or The Morning Brew, shoot us an email at Got tips? Email us at

Let’s Brew it up for ya!

The Denver Broncos will play the Carolina Panthers in two weeks at Super Bowl 50.

The Patriots Lose and America Wins

Twitter proves once again to be the most ruthless place on earth…

via @woodymlb4


via @NFL_Memes

via @ffnerdist

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Even the Denver Police Department Kicked the Patriots While They Were Down.

Was Eli Manning the reason the Broncos beat the Patriots?

Here’s the ultimate Dab. Snobby moms,  cover your eyes…

Cam Newton’s cleats have every teammates name on them via @ESPNNFL

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Meanwhile, this Panthers’ fan was a tad excited last night…

Twitter didn’t forget about the Cardinals either and the Cardinals’ themselves knew what was coming….

It must suck to be this guy.

Philly Influencer Live Podcast Episode #51 was Fantastic!

Our own Sean Brace makes a few cameos in this Eagles’ facebook weather video.

Philly fans, snowballs and television reporters…oh my!!!

This Jeremiah Trotter story is incredible!

Donald Trump could literally shoot someone and he says that you’d still love him.

An unemployed punter continues to beg for attention…

Live look-in at Chip Kelly’s first practice with the 49ers via NFL_MEMES

Josh Innes wants to get fired.

RKO into the snow!

At the Royal Rumble last night, it was time to play the Game!

Insane Video: Snowboarding in Times Square

1 Comment

  1. Murray from Mayfair

    If there’s a radio god, then he most assuredly will send that fat tub of goo Josh Innes back to Houston forever.

    GO DODGERS !!!

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