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Shooters Radio: Raw Underground, AEW Heels, and SummerSlam in AC?

What is happening in the world of pro wrestling?

After a few weeks of looking at the past and having some fun, this week, Nick Piccone (@nickpiccone) and Vaughn Johnson (@VaughnMJohnson) turn to the current day.

RAW Underground made its debut Monday night and it was … something. Should this be a permanent fixture for the time being on RAW? Will it … be good? Or will it just be one of those Vince McMahon things that’ll be forgotten about in two weeks?

AEW Heels announced a new membership platform for $49/year, which is supposed to be a “safe environment for engaging in conversation and developing friendships worldwide” with “virtual meet-and-greets, video conference discussions with industry experts, exclusive AEW talent Q&A sessions, customized merchandise, special promotions, themed parties and more” according to the company’s press release.

The reaction wasn’t too hot online. Without doing any prior digging, Nick thought it was a response to the criticism the company has faced in regards to their women’s division on television. But it’s much more than that.

The guys also discuss the rumors of WWE coming to Atlantic City for SummerSlam.

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