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Your Pi Brew (3/31/22): 76ers collapse again, Alternative uniforms for the Eagles, and more

We’re back with a new Brew. There’s great news on the Eagles’ uniform front. Doc Rivers continues to put the 76ers in bad situations down the stretch. The fallout from the slap heard around the world continues. We have a lot to cover in this edition, so let’s do this. It’s Brew time!

The unshakable anchor

Sixers vs Bucks observations

We need to talk more about Doc Rivers and how he’s killing us

This is Doc without a doubt

Did it matter?

Jojo taking acting lessons?

The Kelly Green is finally coming back


More on the story…

A black helmet???

Excuse me while I barf

The “it’s not fair if both teams don’t touch the ball in OT” whiners have won

Does anyone actually want to see this?

Malcolm Jenkins retires


Big news from Tampa

We are not a serious country

What are they hiding????

Lock him up already

Lies, lies, and more damn lies

This guy lies even when he doesn’t have to

Instead of prosecuting Trump, this is what corrupt or compromised Alvin Bragg is doing

Madison continues to run his mouth

Facebook and the GOP in bed together????

Real or fake?

The fallout from the event continues…

Is Sharpe right?

Jay-Z party picketed by labor union

What a mess

The Summerfest lineup drops

Deleted scene from The Batman

Trevor Bauer files lawsuit

What was the best Wrestlemania stage of all time?

The star that is Becky Lynch

Look at that flexibility!


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Trish Stratus looks better than ever

Tune in this Friday

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